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Ashurst Wood Community Preschool

Learning through play, every day. Our Mission Statement: We provide a warm, caring, safe environment, We aim to develop confidence and self-esteem, We like getting creative, getting messy (and tidying up), We nurture the curiosity and imagination of every child, We encourage parents and carers to join in the fun, actively bringing the community together.Ashurst Wood Community Preschool has its own purpose built building located within Ashurst Wood Primary Schools grounds.Sessions run Monday to Friday, from 9am to 12 noon, with an optional lunch clubs Monday, Tuesday and Thursday until 1pm and afternoon sessions Tuesday and Thursday from 12pm to 3pm. Plus coming to Spring 2016 we will be including Monday afternoon session.We accept children from 2 years to statutory school age.For more information please contact Angela Poole our supervisor on 01342 825515 or alternatively email us via our website and we will get in contact with you.http://www.ashurstwoodpreschool.co.uk/ Find out more

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